Advanced Technology for Higher Implant Success
If you need surgery, whether it’s for dental implants or a completely different treatment, any medical professional will tell you that the more information they have, the better your outcome will be. In the case of dental implants, you deserve the most thorough and detailed planning possible. That’s why Dr. Sage makes use of highly advanced screening devices to learn as much about your oral structures as possible before beginning surgery. For a more comprehensive dental implant treatment, contact his office in Northgate, Seattle and learn the steps of your future implantation!
Scanning with the CT/Cone Beam Scanner
The CT/Cone Beam Scanner works much like a typical digital X-ray machine, however it goes a step further in terms of information it can collect. While X-rays are strictly two-dimensional, the CT/Cone Beam Scanner is designed to capture fully panoramic, 3D images of your mouth, jaw and other oral structures. By capturing 3D images, our office is more capable of distinguishing important areas of the mouth, including the location of nerves. This way, we can avoid accidentally contacting a nerve and causing damage, which is not something you can do with a normal X-ray.
How Surgical Guides Improve Treatment Planning
Surgical guides are medical-grade plastic molds designed to make the placement stage of dental implant treatment easier and more predictable. Thanks to 3D imaging devices like the CT/Cone Beam Scanner, creating these surgical guides is easier than ever. It allows Dr. Sage to avoid damaging certain oral structures, such as the nerve as previously mentioned. However, it also makes it easier to improve the overall outcome of treatment, even though success rates are as high as 95 to 98 percent on average already.
The Benefits of Detailed Planning for Dental Implants
While it can take more time, dental implant treatment is not something you should rush. By learning more about the unique characteristics of your oral structures, your treatment process becomes more predictable and efficient.
Greater predictability means there will be a lower risk of complications both during the surgery and many years down the line. It also results in a more natural-feeling dental implant, which means chewing your favorite foods will feel even more comparable to natural teeth.
Additionally, better planning leads to a faster treatment overall. The last thing people want to do is spend more time in the dental chair than necessary. More efficient treatment also means less time needed for healing and less time spent dealing with discomfort in post-op.
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (206) 362-6677.